Get to Know This Treatment
Nutrition Therapy
Can it Help? It is not a secret that a large percentage of diseases result from improper nutrition.
As Hippocrates (460BC-377BC) said:
“We are what we eat”

Unfortunately, modern food contains a lot of toxic compounds (e.g. fertilizers, hormones) that our body was never designed to digest. At the same time, our fruits, vegetables and grains are lacking their mineral and vitamin content due to modern farming techniques which are aiming to stimulate production at the expense of quality.
And even when you want to eat healthily there is so much advice out there, which one would you follow? How would you know what is right for your body?
We can help you to balance out your deficiencies and find the right path to follow.
Our Range of Nutritional Techniques
1. Food intolerance testing
Food intolerance is a negative reaction to a food, beverage, food additive, or any other compound found in foods. It produces symptoms in one or more body organs and systems but since the reaction is delayed most of the time we cannot connect the two. Most of us have various degrees of food intolerance. Every time our body comes in contact with them it experiences mild stress. Long-term influence by food intolerances can lead to dysfunction and if care is not taken, can result in the development of a disease. We are using a bioresonance device to determine these intolerances.
2. Detoxification programs
Everyone knows how harmful an accumulation of toxins in our bodies is. Toxins can damage organs and tissues leading to the development of various diseases and are very powerful accelerators of the ageing process. Therefore anyone who wants to stay young and healthy MUST detoxify regularly. We offer you a comprehensive detoxification program.
4. Disease-specific programs
These are individualized programs designed to stimulate recovery or improve general wellbeing. Sport nutrition programs. If you are an athlete we could design an individualized food and supplement program that would meet all your body’s needs, which are increased by the level of your physical activity.
4. Weight loss programs
Our weight loss program can either be based on a combination of a reduced calorie diet and an exercise regime or on meal-replacement products. For the latter, we are working with the 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan products which are based on thorough scientific principles and have more than 20 years of experience behind them.
3. Metabolic typing diet
Everyone’s metabolism is unique, thanks largely to the genetic makeup that we have inherited from our ancestors. As a result, everyone processes and utilizes food and nutrients differently. This means that the ‘one-size-fits-all’ type diet that is often recommended is a myth. By discovering your metabolic type – and learning how to eat right for your metabolic type – you can boost your metabolism, prevent cravings, improve digestive problems, headaches, and depression, reverse disease, strengthen your immunity and boost energy levels.
Book your appointment now:
+357 2577 3350
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