Get to Know This Treatment
CEASE Therapy
CEASE therapy (Complete Elimination Autism Spectrum Expression) is a system that applies homeopathic medicine in a specific way in order to help children with autistic spectrum disorder. The therapy was developed by Dutch physician Tinnus Smith who initially was looking for an effective way to detoxify our bodies and had eventually established that there is a strong connection between development of autistic spectrum disorder (as well as many other conditions) and toxicity of our internal environment.
Dr. Smits helped over 300 children with autism using CEASE therapy prior to his death in 2010. While his method was originally designed for children with autism, Dr. Smits and those that he trained have experienced success treating a number of other conditions including MS, Chronic Fatigue, Allergies, Various infections (ear, nose etc.), hyperactivity and many more.

How Does CEASE Therapy Work?
CEASE therapy practitioners focus on the cause of the illness and will spend a lot of time assessing potential “trigger” chemicals including environmental toxins, dental work, medications, illnesses as well as other causes such as emotional stressors. The main focus of CEASE is on the removal of energetic blockages by utilization of isopathic remedies while supporting the body with “inspiring” and “classical” homeopathy.
CEASE Treatment
Homoeopathically detoxify the body from the most relevant stress factors in the patient’s history: vaccines, anesthesia, antibiotics, childhood diseases, etc.
In cases with a history of difficult delivery and/or caesarian section, osteopathic help will be called in. Apply supporting treatment of omega-3 fatty acid (in order to restore the integrity of the brain and to promote the development of the central nervous system), high doses of vitamin C, Zinc, and other micronutrients as needed. Support the GUT function through the application of probiotics, l-glutamine, Saccharum off., or other agents if needed. Dietary recommendations if needed.
In the Eternal Health – Holistic Therapy Canter we can combine CEASE therapy with NAET therapy (which has been shown in the research to be effective in the improvement of communication skills in autistic children). The results of the research can be viewed here: NAET autism research. NEAT therapy could help us to formulate the nutritional and supplement program that would be right for your child as well as work on the elimination of allergic responses to essential nutrients thus improving their digesting and assimilation.
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