Say Goodbye to allergies!
Hay fever, asthma, reactivity to animal dander, food intolerances, side effects of drugs, allergies of all kinds and related illnesses. Now there is a rational, efficient and harmless way to get rid of them and to strengthen your body.
Get to Know This Treatment
NAET Allergy Treatment
NAET (Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique) is a natural, non-invasive allergy elimination technique developed by Dr. Nambudripad. Devi S. Nambudripad spent her childhood in India. From the day she was born, she suffered from multiple allergies and had to follow an increasingly drastic diet, eventually leading her to live almost exclusively on rice and broccoli, which were the only foods she could still tolerate.
What were the reasons behind her condition? and how could she recover? These were the only questions going through her mind. Having tried everything without satisfactory success she was not giving up her fight. When her family moved to the USA, she used this opportunity to study and research the topic of allergies. She first became a registered nurse, then an acupuncturist, and later obtained a Ph.D. in oriental medicine. Then she graduated from chiropractic school, studied kinesiology, and nutrition, and eventually became a medical doctor as well.
At the moment she is living in California and organizes training courses and conferences around the world, sharing her experience and spreading the NAET technique which was born out of her vast experiences.
What is NAET Allergy Treatment?
NAET has already allowed thousands of patients to get rid of their allergies, rediscover the comfort of good health, and start living a normal life. Widely used in the USA, the technique has spread worldwide and attracted the tremendous interest of health professionals (osteopaths, naturopaths, acupuncturists, physiotherapists, chiropractors, etc.).
Basic Principles
According to NAET, an allergy is a negative response (both physical and psychological reactions) from a particular individual to a given substance. Since not everyone reacts in exactly the same way to the same substance then the substance itself is not in question. This means that what we are dealing with an internal dysfunction that needs to be corrected. In keeping with the founding theory of oriental medicine, the objective is to clear the blockages in the energy pathways that are causing the problems, and above all, to correct the brain’s false perception when faced with a substance it identifies as a threat to the system – like resetting a computer.
Treatment Approach
In order to identify the allergen(s) involved, the technique uses a type of Muscle Testing derived from kinesiology: in a well-established order of priority acquired through many years of experience, the patient is put in contact with a range of substances likely to induce symptomatic reaction. This investigation can also help detect possible related blockages of psychological origin that the treatment can also resolve.
The practitioner then uses acupressure (a manual therapy based on the principles of Chinese medicine and acupuncture). The number of sessions needed to achieve the different energy resets varies according to each patient’s initial condition and their response to the treatment.
A Non-Invasive Technique
NAET is a powerful addition to allopathic medicine and doesn’t involve any drugs, prescriptions, side effects, or risks to your health. Hay fever, food intolerances, asthma, reactions to animal dander, and allergic responses of all kinds (even when not perceived as such) can all be treated by NAET on all patients suffering from these increasingly frequent conditions, in an era when so many critical changes are occurring (industrialization, pollution of the food supply, etc.).
NAET is a holistic technique; it considers each patient both globally and specifically, and aims at restoring his/her energetic integrity through a treatment built on a method inspired by medical (both oriental and western) medical systems. NAET has been shown to be successful in alleviating many health issues, which could be seen in the following research report (Naet_research).
Say Goodbye to allergies!
NAET has shown to be successful in alleviating many health issues, which could be seen in the following research report (Naet_research). In particular NAET has shown to be very effective in cases of autistic children where following a series of treatments significant improvement has been recorder in their communication skills (NAET autism research).
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+357 2577 3350